We Are

Learn about the
fundamental pillars of our work

Energy and sustainable development for a better life


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We create high-impact audiovisual content that addresses different aspects of the energy transition, grounded in solid evidence and with an innovative approach. Our goal is to democratize information, educate youth, promote citizen participation, and influence public debate on the shift towards fairer and cleaner energy sources. Through strategies that connect with current public agenda topics and new narratives on the major issues of the transition, we aim to expand our message’s reach to a wider audience.


Creation of audiovisual content
high impact across different
edges of the transition

In this project, we connect the possibility of living better with a fair energy transition, encouraging citizens to support the energy transition in Argentina. This is achieved through the production of high-quality audiovisual content for digital platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.

Content on current energy topics to highlight the need for a fair energy transition in Latin America. Presented as reels and media articles.

A series of short videos to democratize access to information on energy and the fair energy transition, in collaboration with Jóvenes por el Clima.

Interviews with various stakeholders from the energy sector (civil society, government, and private sector) to better understand the fair energy transition.


We foster multi sectoral dialogues and relationships to build bridges between the public, private, and civil society sectors. Engaging in discussions between stakeholders allows us to build the consensus needed to move toward a fair and sustainable energy transition. We do this through advocacy work in media, decision-makers, and local citizen projects.

Bridges and dialogues:
building connections for a just future


We generate reliable technical information based on scientific evidence to support communication and promote responsible decision-making for a fair energy transition.


Generation of technical and reliable inputs based
on science, to support communication and decision-making of decisions responsibly.

Public policy analysis

Research on best practices in public policies related to a fair energy transition, aiming to assess policy progress in Argentina.

Core document

A comprehensive document that organizes the essential pillars to achieve a fair energy transition, focusing on improving people's lives and contributing to the fight against climate change.


Research-based content for communication. We write articles for media outlets on the fair energy transition and its link to development in Argentina.